Office hacks: it’s time to reinvent your 9 to 5

Being stuck in one place is never fun, whether you’re working from home or are still in the office, sitting 8 hours crammed behind a desk can be pretty draining and mind-numbing. Same goes for having a workday with back to back meetings, where lunchtime means a romantic get-together with just you and your laptop (and a bagel to-go). Sounds familiar? Think major red flags, danger-danger, error signs and all that, because as you probably already guessed: this isn’t a sustainable, healthy way of working.

Well, not to worry. We’ve outlined some office hacks to keep you healthy, happy and motivated.  And the best news is; you can start implementing them right away.

Spilling the beans

First, we’ll spill the beans: the real secret to staying sharp and keeping work fun everyday? It’s really not all that hard: just switch it up. Make sure there’s a certain variety in your day. Start with taking hourly breaks, don’t be afraid to treat yourself to one of Spaces’ freshly baked tasty goods, interact with your co-workers, keep moving. Not just as physical exercise, but also to switch up seats. It’s proven to boost your productivity. And there’s more.

shuffle your feet

Go for a water run, or look up the bathroom that’s the farthest away. Walk (around the block) like Rihanna or move like Jagger. Whatever you do, make sure you stretch those leggies of yours.

Don’t be an island

Never become an island. There, we said it. No one likes to be deserted, cut off from all form of communication or social activity. And yes, we know you love your noise-cancelling headphones, but don’t forget to interact with your co-workers or spar with new ideas. High five to celebrate milestones, or even micro-wins. Compliment your colleagues’ work – it’s good motivation. Invest in your neighbours, network, and get to know them better. We promise you will get your personal ROI. Plus, it makes hitting those targets or reaching your goals way more fun.

treat yourself (our favourite office hack)

As mentioned above, it’s important to treat yourself sometimes. We know some of you are on a thoughtfully curated personal food plan, but sometimes you’re allowed to cheat. For instance, on Tuesday Pie day or just go nuts on National Donut day. Grab yourself a hot chocolate or Chai Latte to go with that. Let’s be honest, the food and baked goods that our Spaces’ baristas and chefs prepare is too good to pass on. Feeling a little stressed? Schedule yourself an Office Chair Massage at one of our locations.  Well, what can we say, at some days you just need to treat yourself. You’ve earned it.

Get your butt into work early

Yes, you read that correctly. We can hear you think: why on earth would I get behind that desk rather sooner than later? Well, because getting in before all of your other co-workers do, gives you the chance to settle in, in peace. Start your workday relaxed. Get a little head start. Think a little me-time before the work-madness kicks in.

Make it hot

Remember how we all love those cute concept stores and little vintage coffee shops with mini-cactuses, huge jungle plants, design couches and fluffy pillows? Or how a new sport outfit makes it way more fun to sign up for that power gym class? Well now, do the same with your desk. Pimp your office supplies, it truly makes work more fun, we promise.

Stretch it out

As a Spaces member, don’t forget that there are all these fun activities you can sign up for.  Start the day with a Vinyasa Yoga class or go for lunchtime Yin Yoga or Pilates. You can also  end the day with a Fitness Class in a small group, personal training or how about you go for a run with your favourite coworkers? No more excuses – having a workout buddy is the best motivation ever, isn’t it?

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