
IDFA x Spaces Present: Screening Sheep Hero

The International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam (IDFA) screens creative documentaries that are cinematic in their appearance and express the maker’s personal vision. And, as it goes without saying, Spaces is very happy to collaborate with IDFA and proudly present to you the screening of Sheep Hero.

Living in a conflicted world

About 10 years ago, filmmaker Ton van Zantvoort got to know Stijn, an idealist with a cheerful, relaxed nature. Stijn is one of the last remaining Dutch shepherds working in the traditional way. Sheep Hero is about Stijn, who does everything in his power to keep his local business afloat in these neoliberal times.

Filming a centuries-old tradition

We see the shepherd, his sheep and his three loyal dogs crisscrossing nature reserves and farmlands so the herd can graze the land in an eco-friendly way. But nowadays, little remains of the romance and peace that we associate with the centuries-old tradition of sheepherding. Tenders are increasingly hard to acquire—competition from big companies, cheap East European shepherds and smart machinery make Stijn the expensive choice.

With the camera always on him, the shepherd roams across picturesque Dutch landscapes, talking passionately about his inventive approaches to preserving his traditional occupation. But even as he tries so hard to keep his company afloat, the same camera captures how the incessant stress transforms him into an embittered man with a quick temper. Tragicomic conflicts alternate with scenes of beautiful nature and Stijn’s pleasantly chaotic family life.


19:00  // Walk in and register
19:30 // Introduction programmer IDFA Joost Daamen & start documentary
21:00 // Q&A with Director Ton van Zantvoort

This evening IDFA director Ton van Zantvoort and senior programmer Joost Damen talk about the matter: ‘How to live in a world that is conflicted with your ideals?’

IDFA x Spaces 2019

During International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, Spaces is the official coworking partner for you and your business. Spaces is an Amsterdam born company providing freelancers, entrepreneurs and companies an inspirational place to work. IDFA Industry professionals who want to get some work done get free personal access to Spaces locations in Amsterdam during the festival, from November 20th till December 1st between 8am and 6pm. Spaces has locations all over Amsterdam, from West to East to South and also in the city centre alongside the canals. Read more about this partnership.

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